Monday, January 12, 2015

针灸和中药对骨折愈合的显著疗效 Acupuncture and Chinese herbal treatment for dramatic improvement in bone fractures

     几年前在家里的客厅滑到了,当时听到2声闷响,接着是剧痛,马上拿冰敷了10 分钟左右,之后用中药油、膏轻轻涂抹,过了一会,做针灸,跟着敷上跌打药膏,固定。当天喝了田七水,田七有止血不留瘀的功能。这样就能减少 因出血对周围组织的刺激,所以能减少疼痛。当时以为只是断了筋,所以没有去照x光,之后几天就做了针灸和涂抹中药。
       第五天,虽然觉得在好转,但脚不能下地,才想到可能骨折了,去约了家庭医生,照X光,是左脚胫骨闭合性骨折,骨头没有移位。在 North York General 急诊打了石膏,此时是受伤后第五天。第六天开始喝活血祛瘀的中药,喝了8付左右,又去North York General复诊,照X光后,不用再打石膏了,换了可脱下的保护靴。也就是说,我打石膏还不用2周。回家后,脱下靴,针灸,涂药,继续喝活血祛瘀中药加几味补肾药,一周4付左右,到了快六周时,又去复诊,那时我的脚已很有力的抵抗实习医生的检查了,把他吓了一跳,他不相信我这是受伤后才不到6周的时间,就恢复得这么好。回家后继续针灸、中药,中药有时吃些健脾胃的,这样8周后,我就能不用保护靴慢慢行走了。12周后就基本正常行走,只是还不能穿高跟鞋。这样还断断续续的有吃补肾的中药(中医理论,肾主骨)。五个月后,可以去hiking了,走了5个多小时,也能穿高跟鞋了。完全复原了。

       This is my own experience showing how using treatments correctly can really speed up healing.
In 2010, I slipped in the living room and hurt my left tibia badly. It was so bad that I couldn't walk and it was heavily swollen as well. The x-rays revealed there was a large fracture in my tibia. Normally, a fracture this large would require a person to be in a non-removable cast for at least 6-8 weeks, so I prepared a herbal formula and I drank it 4-5 times a week. The formula included tianqi, honghua, sumu, ruxiang, moyao and others. The purpose of these herbs is to stop internal bleeding and remove stasis/swelling. That is why can reduce the pain. On a check-up about two weeks after the cast was put on, the fracture had heal enough that I could switch to a removable cast. I continued with the herbal treatment  , and I also made a variation of the formula that I can soak my leg in. Having a removable cast meant acupuncture could be used as well. During my healing process I didn't take a single painkiller pill.

     Eight weeks since the day I was injured, I was able to walk slowly without the removable cast. On the twelfth week, my leg was almost back to normal, except that I still wasn't able to wear high heels. 5 moths later, I went hiking with my friends for five hours and my leg was just fine.
R.TCMP &R.AC :  Xiao Fen Huang
Cathay Toronto Acupuncture& Herbs Clinic
500 Sheppard Ave.E.Unit 205,Toronto


  1. Dr. Huang is very prefessionaland has very advanced medical skills! She devoted to Chinese Medicine. She analyses patients symptom throughly before makes treatment decision. And the result of treatment is very obvious. I am her patient. I admire her very much! 黄大夫的医术非常好,医德非常好!我常年的慢性病,她通过细致地望闻问切,给我做了正确的诊断,所以治疗的效果很明显。在我眼里她是个百里挑一的好中医!

  2. Experience the healing touch of acupuncture treatment in Toronto. Find relief, restore balance, and embark on a journey to better health and wellness.
