Friday, October 4, 2019

Acupuncture for glutes and leg pain 针灸治疗臀部和大腿痛

Acupuncture for glutes and leg pain (case from 2016)

Male, 46y 8months. First visit date was March 12, 2016.
Main complaint: he limped into my clinic, could not sit normally on a chair (only half of his body touching the chair). He reported that on May 24 the year before that after golfing, he felt pain on the right side of his bottom, and his right leg. A CT scan indicated he had a bulging disc in L4 and L5. He started physio treatment from July 20, 2015 to March 2016. He felt better in December of 2015, but unfortunately the pain returned in January. On March 5th of that year, it got worse even though he was doing physio during that time. On that day when he first came in to my clinic, he reported that after he gets up in the morning, for a few minutes he feels pain on the right side of his bottom, and in his right leg. 

 Examination: Straight leg raising test, negative.  It means his pain did not come from a bulging disc. Instead, when pressure was applied to the affected areas, the pain seemed to be caused by muscle spasms in the upper region of the right M Gluteus maximus, at the L2 level of the right M. latissimus dorsi, and some points along the tractus iliotibialis and the right calf .

Treatment: Acupuncture
Points were used: Pishu, Weishu, Huantiao , Yanglingquan, Huanzhong(R) , Chengfu (R) , fengshi(R),Chengjin(R), chengshan(R)

Result:  Right after acupuncture, he walked normal already. In his second visit date which was March 14, 2016, he told me that he felt 50% of his pain was gone. After only 4 sessions of acupuncture, he felt 95% recovered.  On his 6th visit which was April 12, 2016 he said he did not feel pain on his right buttock and right leg anymore which means he recovered after five sessions of acupuncture.

男性,468个月。 初诊日期2016312日。

主诉:他一瘸一瘸地走进我诊所,坐姿成保护状态,就是说半边身子落座,因为屁股和腿痛的原因。他说自从2015524号打高球后他的右侧臀部和右腿外侧和右腿后面 开始疼痛,CT检查发现腰4和腰5椎间盘突出。同年720日开始物理治疗直到20163月来我诊所就医前。2015年底短暂好转,不幸2016年新年开始又有疼痛,虽然一直做物理治疗但35号起疼痛加重。现每天起床后几分钟右臀部和右大腿即开始痛,严重影响工作和生活,经人介绍来我诊所寻求针灸帮助。


穴位: 脾俞,胃俞,肾俞,环跳,阳陵泉。以下穴位均取右侧:环中,承扶,风市,承筋,成山
