Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Acupuncture & Chinese medicine can increase e GFR, 针灸和中药有效提高肾指数

Case 1Male67.5ys old, initial visit day: 2016-04-17

Complaint: eGFR dropping continuously for a few years. It was 53 in April 2016.

General information about the patient: The patient had frequency of urination in daytime, 3–4 times of urination / night, tinnitus, aversion to cold, and had been taking high blood pressure pills for more than 24 years.

Tongue reading: enlarge tongue with teeth marks on sides, dull color, thick tongue coating, thick and twist sublingual veins.

Pulse feeling: Left-deep and tense, heart point weak. Right- string like.

Diagnosis: blood and liver stagnation, kidney deficiency

Treatment Method: promote kidney, disperse blood stasis to promote blood flow, soothe liver.

Process and result: after half year Chinese medical treatment, including 22 sessions of acupuncture and herbs, the report on October 2016 showed this patient’ eGFR from 53 increase to 60.

Case 2: female, 79 year and 9 months old, initial visit day :2021-04-30.

Complaint: report on 2021-04-20 showed eGFR 51

General information about the patient: The patient felt tired easily, aversion to cold, has a pacemaker, sleep quality is so so, diabetes.

Tongue reading: dull color with teeth marks on sides, thick and twist sublingual veins.

Pulse feeling: not even

Diagnosis: blood stagnation, kidney and pancreas deficiency

Treatment Method: promote kidney , pancreas and heart.

Process and result: after 16 sessions of acupuncture visits along with some herbs, the report on 2021-09 showed her eGFR from 51 increase to 59.


医案1 67.5岁的男士,长期服用降压药,平素尿频,夜尿3-4次,畏寒。舌像显示:舌质暗,舌体肥大,边有齿痕,苔厚,舌下络脉曲紫。脉象显示:左脉沉紧、心脉弱,右脉弦。诊断为:肝郁血瘀肾虚。经过半年22次针灸和中药治疗,201610月报告肾指数由20164月的53 上升到201610 月的60

医案2是近80岁女士,糖尿病史,装有心脏起搏器。平素易累,畏寒,睡眠质量一般。舌质暗,边有齿痕,舌下络脉曲紫。脉象不均匀。诊断为脾肾两虚,血瘀。经过近5个月的治疗,肾指数由20214月的51 上升到20219月的59