Thursday, September 3, 2015

Acupuncture for Vertigo (Ménière's disease)针灸治疗美尼氏综合症

Ménière's disease, also called endolymphatic hydrops, can be difficult to cope with for people who have it. The main symptom is severe rotational vertigo, severe vomiting can lead to stomach cramp, and heavy sweating all over the body. Acupuncture treatment can stop the vertigo feeling quickly, normally in 0.5-1hour, along with the other accompanying symptoms.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, we separate vertigo into five types:
1.hyperactivity of liver-yang
2.Deficiency of qi and blood
3.Phlegm-turbidity obstructing the middle jiao
4.kidney-essence deficiency
5.Stagnant blood blocking the brain collaterals
Acupuncture treatment and herbs based on syndrome differentiation.
Case Introduction:
Now I will talk about a patient who has vertigo. Male,61  years old, one morning he suddenly had severe rotational vertigo with a sensation of his head being wrapped by a towel. This feeling persists even when he laid down. He could not open his eyes because of  severe spinning. Heavy vomiting occurred more than 20 times a day and caused him to develop a stomach cramp. In addition to these symptoms, he complained of tightness in his chest and looked extremely fatigued. His tongue was swollen and had white coating. His pulse was wiry and slippery. Based on these symptoms, his vertigo is type 3 from the list above.

Acupuncture points: Baihui, Fengchi, Fenglong, Juegu, Zusanli, Neiguan. Apply moxibustion on points.

20 minutes later he stated the spinning feeling was gone and he was able to open his eyes. Since his heavy vomiting has hurt his stomach, I told him to eat congee or porridge for a few days in order for his stomach to recover.

        男性,61岁,某天清晨突感天旋地转,不能站立,剧烈呕吐,卧床闭目还眩晕不止,历时2天仍不减轻,头晕头痛,头部有重压感,胸闷难受。诊:舌胖大,舌质淡,舌苔白,脉弦滑。针灸用穴: 百会,风池,丰隆,绝骨,足三里,针后得气加灸。20分钟后病人已能睁开眼睛,眩晕停止。因剧烈呕吐损伤胃,所以喝稀粥调理几天后复原。