Saturday, August 20, 2016

Pre-stroke symptoms and how to prevent stroke中风先兆和预防中风


注意:如有以下症狀,應警惕中風。寫字變形;動作忽然不靈活;或動作 緩慢;說話含糊,舌頭感覺麻木,不流利;面色如醉等。

Pre-stroke case
Male, 57 years old

Complaints: Started to feel dizzy 3 days ago. He describes it as feeling like sitting on a boat, pain on the back of the left side of his head, stiff neck, feels as if heat is inside his head, his tongue does not feel smooth when he talks. 
Tongue Observation:
 Dark red color, white thin coating in the front part of the tongue, white thick coating at the root of the tongue. The sublingual veins are thick.
Pulse Examination:
 taut (tight , stretched and rigid)
Ying deficiency of liver and kidney, Hyperactivity of liver-yang, pre-stroke
Major formula:
Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang
 After 2 days herbs, 80% dizziness feeling gone, tongue feeling back to normal.
Second treatment:
One more day herbs as  the same formula as the first visit, then use Liu Wei Di Huang Wan to nourish liver and kidney yin.

Symptoms that might indicate you are at risk of having a stroke soon:
There is sudden deterioration in writing, body movements are less flexible, face is flushed as if drunk, numbness or unusual feeling in the tongue, degradation of speech, and feeling of intense heat from within the head.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Acupuncture &Herbs for infertility 針灸和中藥治療不孕症

Female, 34 years old, had unsuccessful  IVF history. She has had an irregular menstrual since 18 years old. At the age of 23 years, she hadn't experienced a period for whole year.

October 2015,  she started to use herbs and acupuncture  treatment for her menstrual problem. The diagnosis for her was a weakness in the spleen and kidney, blood deficiency and liver -qi stagnation. After one month of  treatments her period came. She continued to use herbs and acupuncture to help her situation, during these days she had period but not regular. On March 2016, she was success in becoming pregnant.  

 Even if you have irregular menstrual cycle , acupuncture and herbs will make your body healthy and provide  good quality eggs, that is why acupuncture and herbs will help infertility.




R.TCMP: Xiao Fen Huang


Thursday, March 3, 2016

Using herbs and acupuncture treatments can adjust the FSH level and improve egg quality

 The patient is a 38 years old woman, under the process of IVF. She was told her FSH (Follicle-stimulating hormone) was high, and her eggs were low quality.

She had tried a few  IVF treatments however was unsuccessful. She decided to have acupuncture and herb treatments to help  improve the eggs quality, and adjust her hormone levels. From October 2015 to November 2015, she had  12 sessions of acupuncture and 16 days of herbs. On November 28,  2015  one egg was taken which was good quality, November 29, 2015 she was told the egg  had fertilized.

 February 29, 2016 she camen to tell me she has been pregnant for 14 weeks. Congratulations!
