Thursday, April 25, 2024

Treating Covid-19 with Traditional CHinese Medicine in Janurary, 2021: 中药治疗新冠病毒感染


Treating COVID-19 with Traditional Chinese Medicine


1.       Patients in the following case studies were not COVID-19 vaccinated.

2.       In-person visits were not permitted during COVID-19; therefore, an instruction video was sent to the patient explaining basic TCM pulse qualities. Pulses were all self-reported by the patient.

Case Study 1:

Patient: Female, 49 years old, nurse

Initial Virtual Consultation: January 4, 2021


Patient complained of dry mouth for 2 days, with no bitter taste or thirst. She had aversion to cold occasionally, did not have spontaneous sweating, night sweating, or chest tightness/pain. Her sense of smell and taste were normal and had no problem sleeping. Her urine was yellow, and bowel movements were normal.

Note: COVID-19 test results had not yet been reported at that time.


Pale with white and slightly greasy coating; thick purple sublingual veins


Slightly forceful at 72 beats per minute

Herbal Formula

Xiao Chai Hu Tang Jia Wei (Minor Bupleurum Decoction with Additions)

Chai Hu 15g, Huang Qin 9g, Fa Ban Xia 10g, Dang Shen 10g, Zhi Gan Cao 9g, Sheng Jiang 9g, She Gan 10g, Yu Xing Cao 10g, Da Zao 3 pieces (cut into half) 

1 dose per day for 2 days

Method of Decocting:

Add herbs into 1000mL of water then bring it to a boil over high heat. Once boiling, switch to medium heat and cook until the decoction reduces to 500mL. Remove the herbs and cook the decoction over medium heat until it reduces to 250mL.

Additionally, the following general common cold formula was prescribed to the patient’s husband and son as a prevention of COVID-19:

Fang Feng 10g, Jing Jie 10g, Zi Su Ye 10g, Huo Xiang 10g, Jin Yin Hua 12g, Gan Cao 4g, Jie Geng 7g, Qiang Huo 3g, Bo He 8g (added later)

Method of Decocting:

Use water to cover all herbs and soak for 1 hour. Bring the decoction to a boil using high heat and boil for 5 minutes. Pour out the liquid portion of the decoction and set aside. Put hot water into the herbs and bring it to a boil over medium-high heat. Switch to low-medium heat and cook for another 15 minutes. Put in the Bo He and turn off the heat after 1 minute. Mix in this portion of the liquid with the previous portion. Take half of the decoction, and the second half of it 4 hours later. 

Second Virtual Consultation: January 5, 2021

Patient reported positive for COVID-19. She saw an improvement in dry mouth, and no longer feeling aversion to cold when sleeping at night. She also reported coughing.

Herbal Formula

Modified version of the formula prescribed at initial consultation:

-            Increase dose of Jie Geng to 9g

-            Add Zhi Zi Wan 10g

-            Remove Yu Xing Cao

3 doses, decocted in water to be taken warm.

After taking the 3 doses on January 8, the patient reported that she was still feeling aversion to cold. Therefore, the general common cold formula was suggested to her.

Third Virtual Consultation: January 12, 2021


After taking the general common cold formula, the patient reported no more aversion to cold and her appetite was normal. She had coughing with no phlegm as well as tightness in the chest and shortness of breath when walking fast.



Herbal Formulas

Formula 1: Modified Xiao Chai Hu Tang Jia Wei

Chai Hu 15g, Huang Qin 9g, Fa Ban Xia 10g, Dang Shen 10g, Zhi Gan Cao 9g, Sheng Jiang 9g, She Gan 10g, Pi Pa Ye 10g, Lian Qiao 10g, Da Zao 3 pieces (cut into half)

 2 doses

Formula 2: Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang

Sheng Ma Huang 6g, Zhi Gan Cao 3g, Xing Ren 6g, Shi Gao 24g

2 doses

Patient was instructed to finish taking Formula 1 first. 

Fourth Virtual Consultation: January 14, 2021

After taking Formula 1, symptoms did not show significant improvement and phlegm was yellow in colour. Patient was instructed to take Formula 2.

Fifth Virtual Consultation: January 15, 2021

The patient reported that after taking Formula 2 yesterday, her cough and amount of sputum reduced, phlegm was light yellow with some redness. She also reported increase in energy level and reduced spontaneous sweating.

 The patient was instructed to continue taking Formula 2 for 2 days, followed by 5 doses of Sha Shen Mai Dong Tang (Modified).

 Sha Shen Mai Dong Tang (Modified):

Sha Shen 12g, Mai Dong 12g, Yu Zhu 12g, Qian Hu 10g, Gua Lou Pi 10g, Pi Pa Ye 10g, Sang Ye 10g


Case Study 2:

Patient: male, 47 years old, renovation worker, husband of case study 1 patient

Initial Virtual Consultation: January 12, 2021


The patient was instructed to take the general common cold formula since January 4, 2021.On the 6th, he was tested negative for COVID-19. On the 9th, he started having symptoms of aversion to cold as well as mild night sweating during sleep. He suddenly fainted and fell to the ground at noon on the 10th. He woke up about half a minute after and started feeling weak and sweating profusely. These symptoms were better after sweating. On the 11th, he was tested positive for COVID-19.

At the time of consultation, the patient had phlegm that could not be expectorated and dry mouth but did not have aversion to cold. His bowel movements were normal, and his urine was light yellow in colour.


Pale red with white and slightly greasy coat, swollen


Slightly weak, 72 beats per minute

Herbal Formula

Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang Jia Wei

Gui Zhi 8g, Huang Qin 8g, Dang Shen 10g, Zhi Gan Cao 5g, Fa Ban Xia 10g, Bai Shao 8g, Sheng Jiang 8g, Chai Hu 15g, Jie Geng 9g, Zhi Zi Wan 10g, Huo Xiang 10g (added later), Da Zao 2 piece (cut into half)

3 doses

Method of Decocting:

Cook from 700mL until 300mL. Take 150mL each time for two times.  

Second Virtual Visit: January 13, 2021

Patient reported heaviness in the head and no other symptoms. Patient was then instructed to change decocting method – cook from 1000mL to 500mL, throw away the herbs and continue cooking until 250mL.

Third Virtual Visit: January 14, 2021

Patient reported he had taken 2 doses of the medicine and had no symptoms left. He was then instructed to finish the third dose which is to be cooked using the second method. As aftercare, patient was instructed to stew an Asian pear with rock sugar (add Sha Shen and Yu Zhu as needed).

PCR testing was negative for less than a month for both cases after being positive.


Monday, October 16, 2023

用中医阴阳理论治疗白血病 Treating Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Through Yin and Yang Theory

Cathay Toronto Acupuncture & Herbs Clinic

500 Sheppard Ave. E. Unit 302, Tonronto. 416-733-9888


主诉:患慢性淋巴细胞白血病9年多,头几年没有症状,近2年经常咳嗽,哮喘,尿道感染。诉自从完全接种covid 疫苗后,从20213月中开始出现全身关节痛,髋部为主,行走困难,午后低热(37.5-37.8°C),体重减。服用类固醇后,咳嗽哮喘好转。











几次治疗后外感除,转而专门治疗其慢性白血病,根据其发热特点:午睡即发热,睡醒而热退,不午睡则没有出现下午发热,夜睡不发热但脚热。得出其为阴虚发热的结论,所以治疗主要以滋阴为主,主要是六味地黄汤系列和大补阴丸等滋阴药方,或加味或原方,5个月后病情稳定,午睡不再发热,夜间睡觉足部也不会发热,尿路感染基本消除。从初诊至今已超过2年,其慢性白血病病情稳定,淋巴细胞从最高时的21 降低到现在的11左右。



Patient: female, 49 years old

Initial visit: August 17, 2021

 Patient History

Patient has been suffering from chronic lymphocytic leukemia for more than 9 years. She did not show any symptoms in the first few years, but has been experiencing frequent coughing, asthma, and urinary tract infections in the past 2 years. After receiving the second dose of COVID-19 vaccine, in March 2021, she started experiencing joint pain all over the body especially in her hips which affected her walking, low-grade fevers in the afternoon (37.5-37.8°C), and weight loss. After taking steroids, her cough and asthma improved.

 Current Symptoms

Patient still complains of low-grade afternoon fevers, low energy, slight cough with white sputum that worsens at night, with the cold, and can be triggered by itchiness in her throat. She also has a 5cm nodule in her right lung. Her period cycle is regular, but experiences swelling of the breasts before her period, dizziness, and headaches during her period.


Red and swollen with little coating, cracks all over the tongue body with a deep vertical crack in the middle, moderately thick sublingual veins.


Left: deep, slippery, slightly rapid.

Right: deep, thin, slippery, slightly rapid.

 Diagnosis and Analysis

The primary root cause (the “ben”) of leukemia is yin deficiency . However, the patient is also presenting with external pathogenic invasion symptoms (the “biao”). Therefore, the treatment principle is to first treat the external pathogen followed by treating the root.

 Herbal Formula

She Gan Ma Huang Tang + Qian Jin Wei Jing Tang

Second visit: August 20, 2021

 Chief Complaint

After taking the herbs, patient reports improvement in coughing and asthma. There was also a slight increase in the amount of white sputum.


Same as first visit.


Deep, thin, slippery.

 Herbal Formula

She Gan Ma Huang Tang+ Qian Jin Wei Jing Tang + Mai Dong, Sha Shen, Nu Zhen Zi, Mo Han Lian

 Treatment of Leukemia

Following the recovery from external pathogenic symptoms after a few more treatments, the treatment plan switched to treating the root cause of the symptoms of leukemia. The patient presented with low-grade fever only during her afternoon naps that subsided once she woke up. During nighttime sleep, only her feet felt hot. These symptoms led to the diagnosis of yin deficiency, and the main treatment principle was to nourish yin. Her symptoms showed improvement after five months of treatment using the Liu Wei Di Huang Tang series, Da Bu Yin Wan and other yin-nourishing formulas. She no longer had low-grade fevers during her afternoon naps nor did her feet feel hot in the nighttime. The frequent urinary tract infections also subsided. After two years of continuous care, the symptoms from leukemia are stabilized and the patient’s peripheral blood absolute lymphocyte count has dropped from the highest of 21 x E9/L to the lowest of 9 x E9/L. Her  current lymphocyte count stays between 9 and 12 x E9/L.

Analysis Through Yin and Yang

This chronic lymphocytic leukemia patient presenting with low-grade fevers only during naps does not classify as having afternoon fevers, but rather, indicates a yin deficiency in the body.

 In the concept of yin and yang, sleep is the result of the body’s yang energy moving back to the core to be nurtured by its yin energy. When yin and yang are in balance, the patient will have no problem sleeping. However, when yin is deficient, it causes the relative amount of yang energy to be greater than yin. This is when yin is unable to contain yang, thus creating heat during her naps. Once she awakes, yang is no longer in the core and the relative difference between yin and yang is reduced. Therefore, heat symptoms dissipate.

 Yin and yang can also be understood as night and day respectively. When nighttime comes, yin energy is strong. Rather than the whole body, the patient only feels hot in her feet during nighttime sleep as there is environmental yin at night to support her constitutional yin. Despite the help from nighttime’s yin energy, it is still insufficient to control the yang entirely. Therefore, heat is still experienced in the patient’s feet. Acupuncture and herbal medicine were administered to mainly nourish yin, and occasionally clear heat as required. This chronic lymphocytic leukemia case has demonstrated the importance of understanding the root cause of a disease in creating an effective treatment plan and thus yielding good results for the patient.

 This has showcased the origins of the treatment principles of using herbal medicine and acupuncture under the guidance of the yin and yang theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Acupuncture & Chinese medicine can increase e GFR, 针灸和中药有效提高肾指数

Case 1Male67.5ys old, initial visit day: 2016-04-17

Complaint: eGFR dropping continuously for a few years. It was 53 in April 2016.

General information about the patient: The patient had frequency of urination in daytime, 3–4 times of urination / night, tinnitus, aversion to cold, and had been taking high blood pressure pills for more than 24 years.

Tongue reading: enlarge tongue with teeth marks on sides, dull color, thick tongue coating, thick and twist sublingual veins.

Pulse feeling: Left-deep and tense, heart point weak. Right- string like.

Diagnosis: blood and liver stagnation, kidney deficiency

Treatment Method: promote kidney, disperse blood stasis to promote blood flow, soothe liver.

Process and result: after half year Chinese medical treatment, including 22 sessions of acupuncture and herbs, the report on October 2016 showed this patient’ eGFR from 53 increase to 60.

Case 2: female, 79 year and 9 months old, initial visit day :2021-04-30.

Complaint: report on 2021-04-20 showed eGFR 51

General information about the patient: The patient felt tired easily, aversion to cold, has a pacemaker, sleep quality is so so, diabetes.

Tongue reading: dull color with teeth marks on sides, thick and twist sublingual veins.

Pulse feeling: not even

Diagnosis: blood stagnation, kidney and pancreas deficiency

Treatment Method: promote kidney , pancreas and heart.

Process and result: after 16 sessions of acupuncture visits along with some herbs, the report on 2021-09 showed her eGFR from 51 increase to 59.


医案1 67.5岁的男士,长期服用降压药,平素尿频,夜尿3-4次,畏寒。舌像显示:舌质暗,舌体肥大,边有齿痕,苔厚,舌下络脉曲紫。脉象显示:左脉沉紧、心脉弱,右脉弦。诊断为:肝郁血瘀肾虚。经过半年22次针灸和中药治疗,201610月报告肾指数由20164月的53 上升到201610 月的60

医案2是近80岁女士,糖尿病史,装有心脏起搏器。平素易累,畏寒,睡眠质量一般。舌质暗,边有齿痕,舌下络脉曲紫。脉象不均匀。诊断为脾肾两虚,血瘀。经过近5个月的治疗,肾指数由20214月的51 上升到20219月的59

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Chinese medicine is very effective in treating fever, chills, cough, sore throat and lost of taste

My experience using herbs to treat patients who have symptoms of cough, sore throat, lost of taste, and fever with chills lately is highly successful and worth further research.

I have used remote diagnosis to prescribe herbs to three patients.  

One of them had cough, sore throat and lost of  taste. She took herbs right away when these symptoms started. She recovered after just one day of herbs treatment. The herbal formula that she used is: Fangfeng, Jingjie, Suye, Bohe, Jiegeng, Gancao, Qianghuo, Huangqi, Yinhua.  

The second patient had a high fever, sore throat and felt chilly for 2 days. She recovered in 5 days of herb treatment using 2 different formulas.  The first formula she took two days was: Maxingshigantang+pingweisan+huoxiang +shegan+jiegeng. 

Her chills disappeared after two days of herbs but she still had fever. The second formula she used was: Yinqiaosan+Zihuadiding+Shegan+Tiandong+Tianhuafen+Danpi+Huoxiang .

The third patient, who is the daughter of the second patient, had a sore throat and a swollen lymph node in the right side of her neck. It took her just 2 days to recover with herbs. 

The formula she took was: Yinqiaosan + Shegan+Huoxiang+Peilan


第一例:2020年 4月21日,病人报告工作劳累一天后第二天起床即出现喉咙痛,咳嗽,吃东西没有味道的症状,她正在月经期。马上服用一剂中药,成分有:防风,荆芥,苏叶,薄荷,银华,甘草,桔梗,羌活,黄芪。一剂后第二天症状全消。

第二例: 2020-06-13。她两天前发高烧39度兼见发冷,咽痛。自行服用西药退热,热退后不久又起。现见发烧39度兼发冷,喉咙痛,咽部红肿,见白色脓头。苔白厚腻,脉95/分。予麻杏石甘汤合平胃散加藿香,射干,桔梗2付。6月14日2付药尽后报告发冷除,仍发烧兼喉咙痛,予银翘散加紫花地丁,天花粉,射干,天冬,丹皮,藿香。




中药如下:射干, 桔梗 ,甘草, 荆芥, 淡竹叶, 银花, 连翘, 藿香, 佩兰,牛蒡子。


Friday, October 4, 2019

Acupuncture for glutes and leg pain 针灸治疗臀部和大腿痛

Acupuncture for glutes and leg pain (case from 2016)

Male, 46y 8months. First visit date was March 12, 2016.
Main complaint: he limped into my clinic, could not sit normally on a chair (only half of his body touching the chair). He reported that on May 24 the year before that after golfing, he felt pain on the right side of his bottom, and his right leg. A CT scan indicated he had a bulging disc in L4 and L5. He started physio treatment from July 20, 2015 to March 2016. He felt better in December of 2015, but unfortunately the pain returned in January. On March 5th of that year, it got worse even though he was doing physio during that time. On that day when he first came in to my clinic, he reported that after he gets up in the morning, for a few minutes he feels pain on the right side of his bottom, and in his right leg. 

 Examination: Straight leg raising test, negative.  It means his pain did not come from a bulging disc. Instead, when pressure was applied to the affected areas, the pain seemed to be caused by muscle spasms in the upper region of the right M Gluteus maximus, at the L2 level of the right M. latissimus dorsi, and some points along the tractus iliotibialis and the right calf .

Treatment: Acupuncture
Points were used: Pishu, Weishu, Huantiao , Yanglingquan, Huanzhong(R) , Chengfu (R) , fengshi(R),Chengjin(R), chengshan(R)

Result:  Right after acupuncture, he walked normal already. In his second visit date which was March 14, 2016, he told me that he felt 50% of his pain was gone. After only 4 sessions of acupuncture, he felt 95% recovered.  On his 6th visit which was April 12, 2016 he said he did not feel pain on his right buttock and right leg anymore which means he recovered after five sessions of acupuncture.

男性,468个月。 初诊日期2016312日。

主诉:他一瘸一瘸地走进我诊所,坐姿成保护状态,就是说半边身子落座,因为屁股和腿痛的原因。他说自从2015524号打高球后他的右侧臀部和右腿外侧和右腿后面 开始疼痛,CT检查发现腰4和腰5椎间盘突出。同年720日开始物理治疗直到20163月来我诊所就医前。2015年底短暂好转,不幸2016年新年开始又有疼痛,虽然一直做物理治疗但35号起疼痛加重。现每天起床后几分钟右臀部和右大腿即开始痛,严重影响工作和生活,经人介绍来我诊所寻求针灸帮助。


穴位: 脾俞,胃俞,肾俞,环跳,阳陵泉。以下穴位均取右侧:环中,承扶,风市,承筋,成山


Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Chinese herbs cure allergy 中药治疗水肿

On January 24th 2019, ther was a woman who visited my clinic with a swollen right eye.  The day before, she suddenly had swelling in her forehead in an area about as big as half of an egg. She took Cetirizine. The next day, the swelling moved from her forehead to her right eye. She visited her general physician, who believed her case was severe, and she might need to take Apo Prednisone. The physician suggested  that she take one day of Cetirizine and if the swelling did not disappear, she would need to come back to her GP and the GP will decide whether or not to prescribe her Apo Prednisone.  She did not want to take Apo Prednisone after doing some research on its side effects online so she decided to come see me.  Below is a photo of her taken on her first visit to me.
主诉:右眼周围水肿。她一天前前额正中忽然出现一个半个鸡蛋大的肿起。她自行服用敏感药物Cetirizine。 第二天额肿消失,但右眼周围却肿了。她今早去看了医生。她的医生认为她较严重,建议她再服一天Cetirizine,如果还是肿的话就服用Prednisone. 病人问是否服用了Prednisone就会消肿,医生答肿起可能会转移到别处。病人看了服用Prednisone的副作用,不想用西药,就过来看中医寻求帮助。

I told her to stop taking any pills, and only take the herbs that I prescribed for her. I gave her two days of herbs. After one day, her right eye was like the second photo. The photo was taken on January 25th, 2019. 

She went to see her physician on Friday, January 25th.  Her physician thought   she still had swelling on her eyes so the GP made a decision she needed to take APO. She didn’t want to take that so she just continued taking the herbs for another day. Below was the photo taken on her second visit me on Saturday morning (2019-01-26) after two days of herbs

I did my diagnosis again by using four diagnosis steps and modified her formula a little.  She took one bag of herbs on Saturday and one on Sunday. Here was the photo she sent to me on Sunday afternoon, January 27,2019.

我的诊断主要是基于她平时很难出汗,看病时是脉浮。所以中医诊断是“风水相搏”。 用小汗法则愈。

Friday, January 25, 2019

How Chinese herbs and acupuncture prevent miscarriage中医治疗先兆流产

Cathay Toronto Acupuncture & Herbs Clinic
500 Sheppard Ave. E. Unit 205, Toronto Ontario

40 years old and 11 months.  First visit date is March 14 th, 2018.
Her main complaint is two miscarriages which happened in Dec.2016 and Nov.2017 respectively. She has had multiple fibroids since 2012. And the ultrasound in March 22th, 2018 shows she has polyps in the uterus.  Aversion to cold   in general. Frequent urination and urinary incontinence since the first miscarriage.  Stool has hard head and soft end.
Menstrual history:  once /month, 25 days per cycle before second miscarriage, after second miscarriage is 30 days per cycle. 5-6 days per cycle, normal amount, red color, has small amount of blood clots. Recent period was March 7-12.
Tongue: reddish tongue, thick tongue body with teeth marks on sides, white coating. Sublingual veins have prominent branches, purple colour.
Pulse: Left hand- deep with cùn weak. Right hand- deep, weak, taut and uneven
Diagnosis:   Deficiency of spleen and kidney, blood stagnation and blood deficiency
Treatment method: Use herbs and acupuncture to promote spleen and kidney, disperse stasis to build up blood level and promote blood flow. Also, the patient should not try to get pregnant for 6 months.
Process and Result: After 4 sessions of acupuncture and herbs, in the fifth visit on March 29th, frequency of urination dramatically decrease, and no more incontinence. the seventh visit is on April 5th, which was the fourth day of her period, she told me that there was a lot of blood clots this time (it is a sign that her blood stasis is dissipating). On April 11th, she went to surgery of remove polyps, however the doctor told her they did not find any polyps. It was some tissue from her second miscarriage, so the doctor removed that. From the day of surgery to April 19, she reported a small amount of bleeding. On April 20th, I gave her herbs to clean the stasis. From April 24-26, her period was heavy with a lot of dark colored blood with blood clots. After that, bleeding stopped. She had period on May 18-21 and June 12-17, both periods were red in colour, regular amount with a small amount of blood clots. On July 6th, report showed she was four weeks pregnant. However, she showed miscarriage symptoms again, and there was small amount of brownish liquid that came out. Right away, I used acupuncture and herbs to prevent her from having another miscarriage. She even had red blood came out one day when she worked on her feet a whole day. I modified the herbal formula for her, and she took those herbs until 16 weeks into her pregnancy.  Her expected date is next month, February 2019.

主诉:201612 月孕5周和201711 4周自然流产两次。自2012年起查出有子宫肌瘤。20182 月的报告显示三个肌瘤,直径分别为2.52.93.8。报告还显示有子宫息肉。平时怕冷,第一次流产后开始出现尿频现象和憋不住尿感觉。大便头硬尾软。
月经史:1/月,以前是25天一个周期,自从第二次流产后是30天一个周期。5-6/次,量中,色红。少量血块。末次月经: 37-12 号。
脉象:左手沉,左寸弱            右手沉弱,弦,不均匀
 结果: 经过4次治疗,329日第五诊时告知尿频大减,憋不住尿的感觉消失。
             20184 5日第7次就诊时适逢月经第4天,告知本次月经比以前血块多。此是淤血外排的好现象。