Thursday, April 25, 2024

Treating Covid-19 with Traditional CHinese Medicine in Janurary, 2021: 中药治疗新冠病毒感染


Treating COVID-19 with Traditional Chinese Medicine


1.       Patients in the following case studies were not COVID-19 vaccinated.

2.       In-person visits were not permitted during COVID-19; therefore, an instruction video was sent to the patient explaining basic TCM pulse qualities. Pulses were all self-reported by the patient.

Case Study 1:

Patient: Female, 49 years old, nurse

Initial Virtual Consultation: January 4, 2021


Patient complained of dry mouth for 2 days, with no bitter taste or thirst. She had aversion to cold occasionally, did not have spontaneous sweating, night sweating, or chest tightness/pain. Her sense of smell and taste were normal and had no problem sleeping. Her urine was yellow, and bowel movements were normal.

Note: COVID-19 test results had not yet been reported at that time.


Pale with white and slightly greasy coating; thick purple sublingual veins


Slightly forceful at 72 beats per minute

Herbal Formula

Xiao Chai Hu Tang Jia Wei (Minor Bupleurum Decoction with Additions)

Chai Hu 15g, Huang Qin 9g, Fa Ban Xia 10g, Dang Shen 10g, Zhi Gan Cao 9g, Sheng Jiang 9g, She Gan 10g, Yu Xing Cao 10g, Da Zao 3 pieces (cut into half) 

1 dose per day for 2 days

Method of Decocting:

Add herbs into 1000mL of water then bring it to a boil over high heat. Once boiling, switch to medium heat and cook until the decoction reduces to 500mL. Remove the herbs and cook the decoction over medium heat until it reduces to 250mL.

Additionally, the following general common cold formula was prescribed to the patient’s husband and son as a prevention of COVID-19:

Fang Feng 10g, Jing Jie 10g, Zi Su Ye 10g, Huo Xiang 10g, Jin Yin Hua 12g, Gan Cao 4g, Jie Geng 7g, Qiang Huo 3g, Bo He 8g (added later)

Method of Decocting:

Use water to cover all herbs and soak for 1 hour. Bring the decoction to a boil using high heat and boil for 5 minutes. Pour out the liquid portion of the decoction and set aside. Put hot water into the herbs and bring it to a boil over medium-high heat. Switch to low-medium heat and cook for another 15 minutes. Put in the Bo He and turn off the heat after 1 minute. Mix in this portion of the liquid with the previous portion. Take half of the decoction, and the second half of it 4 hours later. 

Second Virtual Consultation: January 5, 2021

Patient reported positive for COVID-19. She saw an improvement in dry mouth, and no longer feeling aversion to cold when sleeping at night. She also reported coughing.

Herbal Formula

Modified version of the formula prescribed at initial consultation:

-            Increase dose of Jie Geng to 9g

-            Add Zhi Zi Wan 10g

-            Remove Yu Xing Cao

3 doses, decocted in water to be taken warm.

After taking the 3 doses on January 8, the patient reported that she was still feeling aversion to cold. Therefore, the general common cold formula was suggested to her.

Third Virtual Consultation: January 12, 2021


After taking the general common cold formula, the patient reported no more aversion to cold and her appetite was normal. She had coughing with no phlegm as well as tightness in the chest and shortness of breath when walking fast.



Herbal Formulas

Formula 1: Modified Xiao Chai Hu Tang Jia Wei

Chai Hu 15g, Huang Qin 9g, Fa Ban Xia 10g, Dang Shen 10g, Zhi Gan Cao 9g, Sheng Jiang 9g, She Gan 10g, Pi Pa Ye 10g, Lian Qiao 10g, Da Zao 3 pieces (cut into half)

 2 doses

Formula 2: Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang

Sheng Ma Huang 6g, Zhi Gan Cao 3g, Xing Ren 6g, Shi Gao 24g

2 doses

Patient was instructed to finish taking Formula 1 first. 

Fourth Virtual Consultation: January 14, 2021

After taking Formula 1, symptoms did not show significant improvement and phlegm was yellow in colour. Patient was instructed to take Formula 2.

Fifth Virtual Consultation: January 15, 2021

The patient reported that after taking Formula 2 yesterday, her cough and amount of sputum reduced, phlegm was light yellow with some redness. She also reported increase in energy level and reduced spontaneous sweating.

 The patient was instructed to continue taking Formula 2 for 2 days, followed by 5 doses of Sha Shen Mai Dong Tang (Modified).

 Sha Shen Mai Dong Tang (Modified):

Sha Shen 12g, Mai Dong 12g, Yu Zhu 12g, Qian Hu 10g, Gua Lou Pi 10g, Pi Pa Ye 10g, Sang Ye 10g


Case Study 2:

Patient: male, 47 years old, renovation worker, husband of case study 1 patient

Initial Virtual Consultation: January 12, 2021


The patient was instructed to take the general common cold formula since January 4, 2021.On the 6th, he was tested negative for COVID-19. On the 9th, he started having symptoms of aversion to cold as well as mild night sweating during sleep. He suddenly fainted and fell to the ground at noon on the 10th. He woke up about half a minute after and started feeling weak and sweating profusely. These symptoms were better after sweating. On the 11th, he was tested positive for COVID-19.

At the time of consultation, the patient had phlegm that could not be expectorated and dry mouth but did not have aversion to cold. His bowel movements were normal, and his urine was light yellow in colour.


Pale red with white and slightly greasy coat, swollen


Slightly weak, 72 beats per minute

Herbal Formula

Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang Jia Wei

Gui Zhi 8g, Huang Qin 8g, Dang Shen 10g, Zhi Gan Cao 5g, Fa Ban Xia 10g, Bai Shao 8g, Sheng Jiang 8g, Chai Hu 15g, Jie Geng 9g, Zhi Zi Wan 10g, Huo Xiang 10g (added later), Da Zao 2 piece (cut into half)

3 doses

Method of Decocting:

Cook from 700mL until 300mL. Take 150mL each time for two times.  

Second Virtual Visit: January 13, 2021

Patient reported heaviness in the head and no other symptoms. Patient was then instructed to change decocting method – cook from 1000mL to 500mL, throw away the herbs and continue cooking until 250mL.

Third Virtual Visit: January 14, 2021

Patient reported he had taken 2 doses of the medicine and had no symptoms left. He was then instructed to finish the third dose which is to be cooked using the second method. As aftercare, patient was instructed to stew an Asian pear with rock sugar (add Sha Shen and Yu Zhu as needed).

PCR testing was negative for less than a month for both cases after being positive.


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