Friday, January 25, 2019

How Chinese herbs and acupuncture prevent miscarriage中医治疗先兆流产

Cathay Toronto Acupuncture & Herbs Clinic
500 Sheppard Ave. E. Unit 205, Toronto Ontario

40 years old and 11 months.  First visit date is March 14 th, 2018.
Her main complaint is two miscarriages which happened in Dec.2016 and Nov.2017 respectively. She has had multiple fibroids since 2012. And the ultrasound in March 22th, 2018 shows she has polyps in the uterus.  Aversion to cold   in general. Frequent urination and urinary incontinence since the first miscarriage.  Stool has hard head and soft end.
Menstrual history:  once /month, 25 days per cycle before second miscarriage, after second miscarriage is 30 days per cycle. 5-6 days per cycle, normal amount, red color, has small amount of blood clots. Recent period was March 7-12.
Tongue: reddish tongue, thick tongue body with teeth marks on sides, white coating. Sublingual veins have prominent branches, purple colour.
Pulse: Left hand- deep with cùn weak. Right hand- deep, weak, taut and uneven
Diagnosis:   Deficiency of spleen and kidney, blood stagnation and blood deficiency
Treatment method: Use herbs and acupuncture to promote spleen and kidney, disperse stasis to build up blood level and promote blood flow. Also, the patient should not try to get pregnant for 6 months.
Process and Result: After 4 sessions of acupuncture and herbs, in the fifth visit on March 29th, frequency of urination dramatically decrease, and no more incontinence. the seventh visit is on April 5th, which was the fourth day of her period, she told me that there was a lot of blood clots this time (it is a sign that her blood stasis is dissipating). On April 11th, she went to surgery of remove polyps, however the doctor told her they did not find any polyps. It was some tissue from her second miscarriage, so the doctor removed that. From the day of surgery to April 19, she reported a small amount of bleeding. On April 20th, I gave her herbs to clean the stasis. From April 24-26, her period was heavy with a lot of dark colored blood with blood clots. After that, bleeding stopped. She had period on May 18-21 and June 12-17, both periods were red in colour, regular amount with a small amount of blood clots. On July 6th, report showed she was four weeks pregnant. However, she showed miscarriage symptoms again, and there was small amount of brownish liquid that came out. Right away, I used acupuncture and herbs to prevent her from having another miscarriage. She even had red blood came out one day when she worked on her feet a whole day. I modified the herbal formula for her, and she took those herbs until 16 weeks into her pregnancy.  Her expected date is next month, February 2019.

主诉:201612 月孕5周和201711 4周自然流产两次。自2012年起查出有子宫肌瘤。20182 月的报告显示三个肌瘤,直径分别为2.52.93.8。报告还显示有子宫息肉。平时怕冷,第一次流产后开始出现尿频现象和憋不住尿感觉。大便头硬尾软。
月经史:1/月,以前是25天一个周期,自从第二次流产后是30天一个周期。5-6/次,量中,色红。少量血块。末次月经: 37-12 号。
脉象:左手沉,左寸弱            右手沉弱,弦,不均匀
 结果: 经过4次治疗,329日第五诊时告知尿频大减,憋不住尿的感觉消失。
             20184 5日第7次就诊时适逢月经第4天,告知本次月经比以前血块多。此是淤血外排的好现象。


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  2. I recently had an acupuncture session at Acupuncture Toronto and it was a fantastic experience.
