Friday, February 6, 2015

Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment for CFS 中医对慢性疲劳综合症的治疗

As I mentioned before, a TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine )practitioner will make a diagnosis based on four aspects. A person with CFS(Chronic fatigue syndrome) will have obvious signs of lack of energy. Patients have difficulty even moving around, so they can hardly perform their daily routines. Some symptoms are bad memory, lack of concentration, insomnia, or alternatively, hypersomnia. According to TCM theory,  these symptoms indicate deficiency syndromes, and different kinds of tonic prescriptions will help patients.

Syndromes of deficiency include four types: qi deficiency, blood deficiency, yin deficiency and yang deficiency. Normally, patients will have a combination of different types of deficiency such as qi and blood deficiency, qi and yin deficiency, or yin and yang deficiency. Therefore, the prescription for deficiency syndromes may include: invigorating qi , nourishing blood, invigorating both qi and blood, invigorating yin or yang, or invigorating both yin and yang.The reason cause deficiency may vary, such as stasis. Patient might have stasis first, then cause blood stagnation.Blood stagnation will lead to bad blood circulation.  If this is  the reason,  a TCM  practitioner will add some herbs to  get rid off the stasis along with the tonic formulas.

Below are some herbal formulas
For invigorating qi: Sijunzi Tang, Buzhongyiqi Tang, Shengmai San.
For nourishing blood: Siwu Tang, Dangguibuxue Tang.
For nourishing both qi and blood: Bazhen Tang, Guipi Tang.
For nourishing yin: Liuweidihuang Wan, Zuogui Wan, Yiguan Jian.
For nourishing yang: Shenqi Wan, Yougui Wan.

R.TCMP &R.AC :  Xiao Fen Huang
Cathay Toronto Acupuncture& Herbs Clinic
500 Sheppard Ave.E.Unit 205,Toronto


补阳的方剂:肾气丸, 右归丸等


  1. Dr. Huang is very prefessionaland has very advanced medical skills! She devoted to Chinese Medicine. She analyses patients symptom throughly before makes treatment decision. And the result of treatment is very obvious. I am her patient. I admire her very much! 黄大夫的医术非常好,医德非常好!我常年的慢性病,她通过细致地望闻问切,给我做了正确的诊断,所以治疗的效果很明显。在我眼里她是个百里挑一的好中医!

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