My experience using herbs to treat patients who have symptoms of cough, sore throat, lost of taste, and fever with chills lately is highly successful and worth further research.
I have used remote diagnosis to prescribe herbs to three patients.
One of them had cough, sore throat and lost of taste. She took herbs right away when these symptoms started. She recovered after just one day of herbs treatment. The herbal formula that she used is: Fangfeng, Jingjie, Suye, Bohe, Jiegeng, Gancao, Qianghuo, Huangqi, Yinhua.
The second patient had a high fever, sore throat and felt chilly for 2 days. She recovered in 5 days of herb treatment using 2 different formulas. The first formula she took two days was: Maxingshigantang+pingweisan+huoxiang +shegan+jiegeng.
Her chills disappeared after two days of herbs but she still had fever. The second formula she used was: Yinqiaosan+Zihuadiding+Shegan+Tiandong+Tianhuafen+Danpi+Huoxiang .
The third patient, who is the daughter of the second patient, had a sore throat and a swollen lymph node in the right side of her neck. It took her just 2 days to recover with herbs.
The formula she took was: Yinqiaosan + Shegan+Huoxiang+Peilan
第一例:2020年 4月21日,病人报告工作劳累一天后第二天起床即出现喉咙痛,咳嗽,吃东西没有味道的症状,她正在月经期。马上服用一剂中药,成分有:防风,荆芥,苏叶,薄荷,银华,甘草,桔梗,羌活,黄芪。一剂后第二天症状全消。
第二例: 2020-06-13。她两天前发高烧39度兼见发冷,咽痛。自行服用西药退热,热退后不久又起。现见发烧39度兼发冷,喉咙痛,咽部红肿,见白色脓头。苔白厚腻,脉95/分。予麻杏石甘汤合平胃散加藿香,射干,桔梗2付。6月14日2付药尽后报告发冷除,仍发烧兼喉咙痛,予银翘散加紫花地丁,天花粉,射干,天冬,丹皮,藿香。
中药如下:射干, 桔梗 ,甘草, 荆芥, 淡竹叶, 银花, 连翘, 藿香, 佩兰,牛蒡子。