Female, 27 years old. First visit date is March 5th,
Her main
complaint is chronic constipation, which she’s had since she
was a young child. Once in her adolescence, she fainted in school because she
had not had a bowel movement for one month. The teacher sent her to the
hospital and the doctor there had to use an enema to clean her bowel.
When I first saw her, she needed to induce a bowel
movement every 3-5days by taking an herb that acts as a laxative, or taking
glycerin enema, but there was only a small amount every time. She felt hungry and thirsty easily, so she
ate a lot and drank a lot. She had insomnia, was prone to forgetfulness, and
had a strong aversion to heat. She bled 3-5 days when menstruating but the
color of her period on the first day was darker than normal. She had an appendectomy at age 12.
Observation: thin body type, abdomen felt soft when
pressure is applied.
Tongue: bright
red, the tongue body is smaller and thinner than normal, red spots on the
tongue surface, deep red at the tip of the tongue, white coating.
Deep and thin
Analysis: The
state of her tongue and her complaint of thirstiness indicates yin deficiency. Her
large appetite is one of symptom of hyperactivity of fire, Darker period colour
is a symptom of blood stasis.
Hyperactivity of fire due to yin deficiency, insufficiency of good fluids and
blood stasis.
principle: Nourish yin
to decrease the fire, promote good fluids, circulate the blood and resolve
Formula: Zeng Ye Cheng Qi Tang plus Liu Wei Di Huang
Tang, and Tianqi, Danggui, Danshen, for five days.
Second visit: March 13th, 2011
Reported: Almost
had bowel every day, but not solid. Her body smelled like stool for five days.
She still had insomnia and bad memory at this point in the treatment process.
Formula: Zeng
Ye Tang plus Suanzaoren, shashen,Yuzhu, Danggui, and rock suger, for three
Third visit: March 21th, 2011
Reported: Stool
almost once per day, better sleep.
Formula: Modification based on Zen Ye Tang, 5 days.
April 3rd, 2011:
The patient
came to visit and reported in the past week she didn’t use herbs , and her
bowel was good, once every two days.
After that, the patient came to visit weekly or bi-
weekly until May 4th, 2011. That day she reported her constipation
was gone. Since then until now 7 years past, she did not have constipation once.
女性,27岁,2011年3月5日初诊。自述记事起就便秘。中学时曾经有一个月没有大便,在学校晕倒后被送去医院洗肠。现在情况是3-6天才大便一次,吃番泻叶或用开塞露也只能去一点。易饿,口渴,怕热,睡眠差,记性差。月经周期3-5天,量时多时少, 第一天经血色黑。12岁做了阑尾切除手术。
脉诊 :沉细
诊断:阴虚火旺 ,津亏血瘀
中药:增液承气汤合六味地黄汤加田七,当归,丹参 5副
中药:仍用增液汤加减 5副