Male, 48 years old, felt headache in the morning, at night he had a high fever of 39. 2 . You can feel the heat from of his skin. Deep slumber, bad dreams .
Pulse: tense and rapid
Tongue read: read tongue. more red show on tip of tongue. White coating.
Diagnosis: fever, wind-hot type
Herbs: yinqiaosan .
Result: Take herbs at about 10 pm, every 3 hours take 120ml . After 3 times that was around 5am ,his temperature dropped to 37.2. He took another one to enhance the result. And he slept through the whole day to recover his physical strength.
High fever is very common when people catch a cold or get a flu. Herbs and acupuncture can help to get rid of the virus or bacteria so that people will recover soon. There was a girl on March 23 who had fever which was 37.9, only after 20 minutes of acupuncture her temperature dropped to 37.2. So hope you can see my blog and find a good Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner to help you.
高燒在外感病中非常常見,中醫辨證治療多屬風熱證,有些病例還夾濕。如果高燒(38.5以上),伴頭疼,喉嚨痛,小便黃,舌紅或舌邊和舌尖更紅,那就可以用銀翹散,中藥煮的那種,藥只需用水泡過藥面,浸泡1小時左右,就用大火煮,煮開後繼續大火5分鐘就可,過煮會失去藥性。藥後2-3小時會開始降溫,每3-4 小時給藥,一般8小時左右體溫會回復正常,人也精神起來,會想吃東西,這是身體恢復的表現。若加上針灸穴位會好得更快。若夾濕的話可加上藿香,佩蘭或可能是九味羌活湯證,所以一定要辯證用藥。