Thursday, January 12, 2017

Acupuncture for palpation 針灸和中藥治療心悸心慌

This is a case back in 2015.

Patient: age 10, female

Complaint: Every night at around 8 pm, she experienced hand tremors and difficulty breathing. The tremors were severe enough that she couldn't hold a cup of water. This lasts 30 minutes every night. The symptoms passed when she coughs hard.

Details: Patient had injured her right ankle during gymnastics practice which resulted in a torn ligament. Doctors prescribed painkillers for the injury. She began taking painkillers in mid-October, and the problems started in mid-November. She stopped taking the medication after the problems began. She started acupuncture  treatment  on December 12,2015.

Diagnosis process: Face is pale, tongue shaking
Pulse: Rapid, tense, and uneven.

Dignosis: The Pericardium Channel is attacked

Treatment 1: Acupuncture. Points use: neiguan shenmen zusanli sanyinjiao
result: the same night she had lighter symptom and last only 15 minutes

Treatment 2-3: Acupuncture Points use: neiguan shenmen xinshu jueyinshu
Result: after third session, her  symptoms were almost completely gone, except  she still has nightmares.
Continued another 4 sessions of acupuncture combine with herbs( suanzaoren 6g, zhiyuanzhi 3g_), This patient was cured.

這是一個201512 月的病例。
首次治療穴位:內關, 三陰交,足三裡。
