Friday, July 14, 2017

中藥針灸治療帶狀皰疹 Chinese herbs And Acupuncture for Herpes zoster(shingles)

Today I would like to discuss a recent case  where I treated a patient for shingles .
Male,49 years old. First visit was on 2018-10-31.
He had some uncomfortable feeling in his right abdomen , somewhere close to his navel on October 26th, 2018. The next day  red dots appeared  in that area. On October 28th, early in the morning he woke up with severe chest  pain that made him thought he was going to have a heart attack. He went to the ER and got a diagnosis for shingles. He started to take antivirals on October 28th, however, the shingles still develop to his right back in lower and middle area.
I observed his tongue and felt his pulse . The picture below were taken in the first visit before acupuncture and herbs treatment.

 Tongue: as you can see, this tongue is  enlarged  with thick white coating, which means he has dampness inside his body.
Pulse: deep and slow.
Urine : yellow colour.
Diagnosis :  shingles ,  Dampness-Heat type.
After one acupuncture and two days  of herbs. His symptoms improved a lot.
 The pictures  below were taken in second visit.

After two treatment sessions, he is almost recovered from shingles.

Here is an old case I published before. I am sorry that this case I didn't take the picture before acupuncture treatment.
Female, 55yrs old, first visit was in 2017-02-05. Chief complaint: left lower back pain since January 28, 2017, the pain was fixed in one area; left breast had sense of electric shock. These symptoms have gotten worse. Now her left lower back has severe pain. She also has headaches, and aversion to cold. Other complaints include frequent urination with less fluid passed each time, a stinging feeling when urinating, unquenchable thirst, and preference for cold drinks.

Check:  bright red rashes with a few bumps filled with clear fluid.  The bumps are as large as soybeans.The rashes   grow horizontal in the left lower back across the body longitudinal  line, and the skin in that area feels hot.
Tongue: light red colour, white coating
Pulse: rapid and thread-like, pulse rate is not consistent.

This case has both hot and cold symptoms at the same time, cold symptoms like aversion to cold, and hot symptoms of hot skin, frequent and short urination, thirst, and preference for cold drinks.
My diagnosis is hot type of shingles.

Treatment: First treatment was on 2017-02-05. I used acupuncture, cupping and herbs. 
                  Second was in 2017-02-06, acupuncture and herbs. The picture below was taken after one treatment.

                  Third was on 2017-02-09. The picture below was taken after two treatments.
                  Fourth was on 2017-02-14. The picture below was taken after three treatments.
The third and fourth  treatments were herbal  medicine only.

 女,55歲,20172 5 日下午來診,訴2017 128日始左側腰痛,痛處固定,左側乳房觸電感。以上感覺進行性加重。現左腰部疼痛劇烈,頭疼,怕冷。 尿短量少,尿頻,尿時有刺痛感。口渴喜冷飲。
查:疹色鮮紅,手觸熱感,,在左腰部带状分布,已越过 人体纵线  舌:淡紅,苔白         脈:細 數,不均勻。
中醫診斷:蛇串 熱證
一診治療(2 5日)
中藥:龍膽草   生地   菊花   黃柏   黃芩  丹皮 車前子 黃梔子 扁蓄草 甘草

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Acupuncture & Herbs cure fever針灸中藥治療發熱效果迅速

Herbs and acupuncture can heal  fever very quickly. In the past 3 months , in my clinic there were 20 more cases of fever and high fever that  have been healed only with the  use of  herbs or  herbs plus acupuncture . Most case are  healed in one day.

Male, 48 years old, felt headache in the morning, at night he had a  high fever  of 39. 2 . You can feel the  heat from of  his skin. Deep  slumber, bad dreams .

Pulse:  tense and rapid
Tongue read: read  tongue. more red show on tip of tongue. White coating.
Diagnosis: fever, wind-hot type
Herbs: yinqiaosan .

Result: Take herbs  at about 10 pm, every 3 hours take 120ml . After 3 times that was around 5am  ,his temperature dropped to 37.2. He took another one to enhance the result.  And he slept through the   whole day to recover his physical strength.

High fever is very common when people catch a cold or get a flu. Herbs and acupuncture can help to get rid of the virus or bacteria so that people will recover soon. There was a girl on March 23 who  had  fever which was 37.9, only after 20 minutes of  acupuncture her temperature dropped to 37.2. So hope you can see my blog and find a good Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner to help you.




高燒在外感病中非常常見,中醫辨證治療多屬風熱證,有些病例還夾濕。如果高燒(38.5以上),伴頭疼,喉嚨痛,小便黃,舌紅或舌邊和舌尖更紅,那就可以用銀翹散,中藥煮的那種,藥只需用水泡過藥面,浸泡1小時左右,就用大火煮,煮開後繼續大火5分鐘就可,過煮會失去藥性。藥後2-3小時會開始降溫,每3-4 小時給藥,一般8小時左右體溫會回復正常,人也精神起來,會想吃東西,這是身體恢復的表現。若加上針灸穴位會好得更快。若夾濕的話可加上藿香,佩蘭或可能是九味羌活湯證,所以一定要辯證用藥。

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Acupuncture for palpation 針灸和中藥治療心悸心慌

This is a case back in 2015.

Patient: age 10, female

Complaint: Every night at around 8 pm, she experienced hand tremors and difficulty breathing. The tremors were severe enough that she couldn't hold a cup of water. This lasts 30 minutes every night. The symptoms passed when she coughs hard.

Details: Patient had injured her right ankle during gymnastics practice which resulted in a torn ligament. Doctors prescribed painkillers for the injury. She began taking painkillers in mid-October, and the problems started in mid-November. She stopped taking the medication after the problems began. She started acupuncture  treatment  on December 12,2015.

Diagnosis process: Face is pale, tongue shaking
Pulse: Rapid, tense, and uneven.

Dignosis: The Pericardium Channel is attacked

Treatment 1: Acupuncture. Points use: neiguan shenmen zusanli sanyinjiao
result: the same night she had lighter symptom and last only 15 minutes

Treatment 2-3: Acupuncture Points use: neiguan shenmen xinshu jueyinshu
Result: after third session, her  symptoms were almost completely gone, except  she still has nightmares.
Continued another 4 sessions of acupuncture combine with herbs( suanzaoren 6g, zhiyuanzhi 3g_), This patient was cured.

這是一個201512 月的病例。
首次治療穴位:內關, 三陰交,足三裡。
